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In the United States, the vast majority of employees are employed at-will, which means there is a great deal of flexibility in the employment relationship. An at-will employee may quit or leave a job at any time he or she wishes, and an employer can fire an at-will employee for almost any reason; in some states for no reason at all. However, Montana is unique in that it is the only state that an employer needs “good cause” to fire a non-probationary employee. Good cause is typically a job-related deficiency.

While the liberties of employers and workers is protected in the at-will system, there are regulations in place to ensure that employees are treated with a reasonable degree of fairness and that no civil rights laws are violated. Anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, national origin and disability status are a few of the fields of employment and labor law designed to provide protection in this relationship. Ensuring that workers are paid a fair wage and that they are reasonably safe in the workplace, there are workplace safety laws and wage and hour laws which also fall under the broad category of employment labor law,.

If you have a concern about employment law, let the attorneys at Flaherty Gallardo stand beside you, helping to navigate through the maze of relevant legal issues and administrative rules.

Contact a Great Falls Employment Law Attorney today

Our mission is to provide the members of our community with legal service they can trust. To contact an employment law attorney, call 406-727-8494 or contact our firm online and schedule your free consultation today.